Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Letter Of Recommendation for Dr. Bill Blount from Dr. Charles F. Keen

"A Fundamental Approach to the 10/40 Window"

Letter of Recommendation for Dr. Bill Blount

It is my privilege to recommend to you Dr. Bill Blount. I have known him since 1966 when we were school mates at Midwestern Baptist College. I have followed his ministry since those faraway days and have had him in for ministry on more than one occasion while pastoring at the First Baptist Church of Milford, Ohio.

What I have observed about Dr. Blount is:

1. His stability. Bill is as he has always been a fundamental Baptist. In this day of vacillation and forward thinking he is stable and looking toward the Bible way of ministry.

2. He has the kind of wife required for ministry. Bonnie is a great helpmate and has over the years proven to be "one helping another to become what he cannot become alone".

3 .He, like the apostle Paul, is also a multitalented man. He is an accomplished musician, a God-called evangelist with the necessary gifts for effectiveness and has a missionary heart which is evident in the fact he delights in holding Faith Promise Missions Conferences. Time would fail me to tell you of his moral and doctrinal purity. Sufficient to say he will always help the church where he is allowed to minister.

I recommend Brother Bill highly first of all because of his Christian character, then because of his highly developed gifts and talents.

Dr. Charles F. Keen
Director of FirstBible International

1 comment:

lonnie said...

Hey Dad,

Your new blog looks great! It should be another good "hook" for your ministry.

The recommendtion letter from Dr. Keen is strong and definitely well deserved.

Do I need to subscribe to receive your future blogs or will they come automatically?




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