Wednesday, June 4, 2008


This biographical sketch is written by my brother, Dr. Golden Blount. He has said things about me that I would not feel comfortable saying about myself.

Dr. Bill Blount, Powerful Bible Preacher, Inspiring Soloist, Dynamic Music Director, Successful Pastor of three churches, Professor of Bible & Music at Midwestern Baptist College, Pontiac, Michigan, Father and Husband whose family has followed him in the service of Christ.

Dr. Bill Blount was born in Canton, Ohio on July 1, 1940. He was born again at age 15 during a revival at the Canton Baptist Temple in 1955 where Dr. B. R. Lakin was the Evangelist. God called him to train for the ministry in 1960, and he was immediately obedient, graduating from Midwestern Baptist College, Pontiac, Michigan, with a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Education in 1965. Rev. Blount was ordained as a minister of the gospel by the Emmanuel Baptist Church, Pontiac, Michigan, in 1965. Because of God's blessings upon his work in the Gospel ministry of preaching, pastoring and music, Midwestern Baptist College honored him with the degree of Doctor of Sacred Music in 1995. Dr. Bill began at age nine to train as a soloist and he thrilled crowds of thousands as a coloratura boy soprano with an ability to sing E above high C with ease. In the years following he became the featured soloist and performer for the finest all male choir in all of Ohio, leading soloist in highest ranked high school choir in Massillon, Ohio. God used him in the exciting music ministry of the Canton Baptist Temple, and then sent him to Midwestern Baptist College to be trained as a preacher and singer of the Gospel. Dr. Bill was a teacher of Bible and Music courses at Midwestern Baptist College during the years of 1993 thru 1999, until the new work of Evangelism grew to such a state that schedules were impossible to coordinate. He is now being used of God greatly in the field of evangelism to preach and sing the Gospel. He desires to help Pastors, challenge churches and win souls. He is also a National Representative for Baptist International Outreach founded and now led by Dr. Richard Vick.

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My logo statement is “PREACHING THE GLORIOUS GOSPEL OF CHRIST AND MAKING MELODY ALONG THE WAY” I have been doing that now for over 43 years. The Lord taught me many things in the 30 plus years as Pastor. In that time we developed several music programs, soul-winning, bible teaching and visitation programs. I have been using that experience to be a help and a blessing to Pastors, Missionaries and churches now for the last 11 years as an Evangelist. This has happened in REVIVAL MEETINGS, SOUL-WINNING CONFERENCES, MISSION CONFERENCES, SPECIAL MUSIC HELP AND TRAINING AND CHOIR CONFERENCES.

I have set no price for meetings, I simply ask for expenses and a love offering.

To Book a meeting please contact me at:
Phone: (313) 531-6984
Phone: (313) 319-4581