Saturday, June 28, 2008

Alsot See My Web Site

I have been also working to get my web site worked into something that will be a use and a blessing. Be sure to go there at:

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My logo statement is “PREACHING THE GLORIOUS GOSPEL OF CHRIST AND MAKING MELODY ALONG THE WAY” I have been doing that now for over 43 years. The Lord taught me many things in the 30 plus years as Pastor. In that time we developed several music programs, soul-winning, bible teaching and visitation programs. I have been using that experience to be a help and a blessing to Pastors, Missionaries and churches now for the last 11 years as an Evangelist. This has happened in REVIVAL MEETINGS, SOUL-WINNING CONFERENCES, MISSION CONFERENCES, SPECIAL MUSIC HELP AND TRAINING AND CHOIR CONFERENCES.

I have set no price for meetings, I simply ask for expenses and a love offering.

To Book a meeting please contact me at:
Phone: (313) 531-6984
Phone: (313) 319-4581